When The Wire Lets You Down, Go Mobile!

Posted by Netmatters

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Stay Online With A Mobile Connection

Over the past few years, internet connections have gotten faster but the cost has significantly decreased. With so many businesses online today, fast bandwidth has quickly become a necessity. If you aren’t able to offer fast solutions, you could quickly find yourself on the back foot against the competition.

Sadly, like with most things, the wired connection between your business and the internet could fail and your business could come to a screeching halt. What could be worse?

If you are a business that has experienced this disaster, you’ll know first-hand the overall impact it can have on your organisation. If you’re a business that has never had to deal with this issue, don’t wait to find out.

Planning for the worst to happen is smart business and will ensure you have the right recovery plan in place.

Cutting The Wires

Everyone with a mobile phone will have noticed the rapid increase in connection speed over the last few years. Nobody has enough hours in the day anymore and as a result, they want to be able to do things faster. Slow connection speeds just don’t facilitate for the new digital age.

4G particularly offers maximum real-world download speeds up to 60Mbps making it over 20 times faster than the original 3G. Since the rollout of 4G in 2012, it is constantly advancing. The coverage of the network in the UK is vast meaning businesses across the country can utilise the mobile network as part of their disaster recovery.

Whilst we aren’t suggesting that you solely rely on mobile broadband, we are suggesting that as an effective ‘plan B’, 4G should be seriously considered to keep your business going.

An 'Always On' Connection

The main selling point for a mobile network is keeping your business up and running. Connections could fail at any moment, without a backup solution, that’s it, the working day is over. A 4G connection means that business can continue as normal. There could be limitations but they won’t be anywhere near as vast as losing connectivity completely.

When disaster strikes, it’s easy to forget about the day to day operations that need to be completed but this will only make the situation worse. An effective backup connection solution means that you can continue with great customer service, hit your sales targets and maintain productivity.

Alongside the day to day operations that can still take place, the overall benefits to your business through having a mobile network speak for themselves.

  • Flexible working: A mobile connection means you can work anywhere at any time, if your employees are off-site or working from home or at a meeting, they can easily conduct their work without disruption.
  • Reduced costs: Now that 4g is an established offering, the cost of providing this as a disaster recovery solution is a lot cheaper. It’s no longer an extravagant cost to your business but the money it would save by keeping you online is invaluable.
  • Productivity: With a fast 4g connection, you are able to send documents quickly and effectively meaning nothing has to grind to a halt because your internet connection has gone down. Documents, emails and calls will all be able to operate on the mobile connection, keeping your employees focused and completing their work.

Cutting the wire

Making The Connection

Keeping your business online and operational is likely your number one priority. As digital developments march on, you don’t want to be slowing down because disaster has struck.

Our IT team know all about disaster recovery and are the experts when it comes to keeping your business online. We can provide you with a tailored solution to a free standing connection depending on the needs and requirements of your business.

For more information on how we can help you, call us on 01603 515007 or fill out the form below today.

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