Assess Your Business Against Hackers

Your website, IT infrastructure, and the data you hold are your most valuable assets as a business. So what happens if they are compromised by a hacker attack? The world is becoming more digitised every day, which only enhances the need to implement a form of Hacker Prevention.

Whilst you may have existing security in place on both your IT infrastructure and your website, additional layers of protection will only aid in the prevention of future damages. Netmatters have developed a hacker prevention process that assesses all aspects of your business's online profile and offers solutions. 

The hacker prevention process comes in two forms - Monthly Website Scans & IT Infrastructure Scans.

Monthly Website Scans:

This is a scan of your website and systems, ensuring that your business' online presence is protected against hackers.

What this involves is us conducting a monthly website/web system health check to keep on top of the sites security, new versions of databases and frameworks are released all of the time, with limited support for older versions. We can tailor our scans specifically based on the type of website/web system you operate to ensure security risks are identified and monitored.

The benefit of this is that you will have ongoing peace of mind that your website/web system is secure and safe for your clients and being monitored by us.

Price: £24.99 per website system, per-month

IT Infrastructure Scans:

This is a scan to highlight vulnerabilities both internally and externally within your network.

What this involves is us simulating a remote hacker attack to test for areas of your business' IT Infrastructure that are vulnerable and producing an in-depth report to highlight the vulnerabilities detected. This report will be completely unique to your business. Then, if needed, we will then provide an estimate to complete the remedial work that has been identified.

The benefits of this are that it is cost effective, it increases your confidence, it protects against 80% of Cyber attacks and it includes monitoring, patch management and risk monitoring.

Price: £240 one-off


The statistics speak for themselves...

Our expert team is here to help you identify areas of improvement in order to work to prevent any potential hacker attacks. Here are a few stats to highlight the importance of Hacker Prevention:


The percentage of black hat hackers that said traditional firewall and antivirus security is irrelevant or obsolete.


The number of seconds between hacker attacks - jeopardising new information, or potentially whole businesses.


The average number of consumer records is stolen every single second through hacking.


A low-cost pre-emptive audit can save a costly financial and reputation recovery process post-attack. 


Implementing the recommended controls from our hacker audit correctly will help prevent against against future attacks.

Increases Trust 

A proactive approach to cyber security can increase the edge over competitiors and instil trust in your business.

Hacker Prevention Audits

Everyday our reliance on technology increases, so too does the opportunity for hackers to unleash potentially damaging attacks, putting any business utilising technology at risk. Although firewalls and other security measures are becoming more robust, attacks are all the more sophisticated and the damage caused can be disastrous, and in some cases irreparable. 

We offer an extensive audit of your IT system to ensure its integrity. This audit helps protect your business against malicious attacks and makes your infrastructure more robust against internal user activity. With the provision of essential tools, we help your organisation understand and protect itself as well as making systems more robust against internal user activity.

We also take your website into consideration. This is a potential target for these attacks and it's important to monitor them effectively. We provide monthly website health checks to keep on top of your site security, and new versions of databases and frameworks, each tailored to the type of website you have to be able to provide the best support.

Our Hacker Prevention Audits involve us simulating a remote Hacker Attack and probing for vulnerabilities. From this, we can produce an in-depth report with necessary and optional changes for you to consider to improve your security measures. This Hacker Prevention Audit will ensure you are as protected as possible with a better understanding of hacking.

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It feels like Netmatters are an extension to my team. They are around if I am not, and I have the peace of mind that everything will be covered if I take a holiday or am not around.

IT Manager - Norwich Theatre Royal

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