Netmatters Raises £435 For The CCHS Foundation

Posted by Netmatters

Netmatters Raises £435 For The CCHS Foundation

This year Netmatters challenged their staff to clock up some mileage to raise money for the CCHS foundation. 

The Run/Walk/Crawl took place between the 31st of October and the 14th of November (leading up to International CCHS Day).

Similar to the NHS fundraiser we did earlier in the year, Netmatters pledged to donate £1 for every mile travelled by the Netmatters Team. 

The CCHS foundation was aiming to collectively walk 1300 miles, a mile for each person diagnosed with CCHS on the planet- this is a super rare condition with only 70 people diagnosed in the UK with the condition Emma Gulliver, Chris's daughter, being one of them!

Emma was born on the 10th of February 2016 at the NNUH, and was later diagnosed with Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome or, CCHS for short.

If you want to find out a little more about CCHS, you can find their website here:

As a rare disease, CCHS doesn't get the press that more common conditions do. The CCHS foundation is an international body with the goal of raising awareness about the condition and also supporting rare disease research programmes. 

The Foundation's campaign was a sponsored walk - but as we have some many keen runners at Netmatters - we extended this to be a Walk, Run or Crawl- whatever worked for the team.

Emma is now 4 and started School in September. We have raised money for the UK CCHS Family Support Group, The NNUH NICU, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and the Sick Children's Trust which were all integral in helping Emma & Us through the early years.

We are pleased to announce that we raised a grand total of £435 towards the cause! A massive well done to everyone who got involved for the cause,  we've donated to Emma's fundraising page, which according to the CCHS page, makes Emma one of the top fundraisers. 

If you'd like to work with a charitable company like Netmatters, call us on 01603 515007 or, get in touch using the form below. 

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