January 2020 Notable Employee

Posted by Netmatters

Kati Leeson January 2020 Notable Employee

It's the beginning of February which means only one thing here at Netmatters - announcing the winner of "Notable of Notable Employees" for January 2020. This award is given to a single employee who has exceeded expectations in their day to day role or has been influential in the company's success during the previous month. 

Every department manager is asked to nominate an employee from their department, who they feel has done exceptionally well during the course of the previous month. Each one of these employees is then considered as a candidate for this award. 

The Notable of Notables is presented to a member of staff who has been been doing an excellent job all round working hard throughout. This month's Notable of Notables is awarded to Kati Leeson!

The Most Notable of Notable Employees

Kati Leeson!

She’s had some excellent suggestions over the last couple of months on improvements to how the PMs can manage their projects and update the system. Those suggestions have already been tasked up and are in progress and should be a real benefit to the day to day of the department. Excellent work Kati! - Adam Greer

She has done a fantastic job covering Service Manager at the start of the month and has responded well to several interesting new challenges that have come up recently, In addition to this Kati has come up with two admin system changes that are massively going to improve efficiency in how we interact with customers across the company. - Tom Lancaster

For her input on the department process, some excellent ideas which have already been implemented and we are benefitting from. - Chris Gulliver

Kati Leeson - 'She has provided suggestion on improving business processes which can have huge benefit to the wider business, as well as being incredibly, proactive, helpful and diligent in her own role. I have been really impressed!' Elliott Peacock

Well done Kati for all of your hard work throughout January!

This Month’s Other Notable Employee Nominations:

Rob Anthony- Has been very pragmatic in his approach, especially when dealing with older projects which he has inherited. He’s always happy to get stuck in to the projects and leaves them in a much better state than they were when he started on them! – Josh Ralph

Sophie McLaren – Is a very positive effective member of the team.  Always happy to help and has efficiently picked up new projects with little fuss. – James Gulliver

Joe Trower - Smashing it in terms of performance. Excellent work ethic and open to any  suggestions on ways to improve – James Gulliver

Lewie Carton & Holly Leech – They’ve started the year as they mean to go on by smashing their 45 leads target for Netmatters, achieving 54! They’ve both worked incredibly hard to fine tune the marketing produced for Netmatters, and the benefits have been shown with the quality of lead increasing. Keep up the good work (& good luck trying to achieve 63 leads next month!) – Lydia Whitney

Rebecca Reynolds -Rebecca joined the team to help steer the strategic focus we have on all our client accounts. Since joining, she’s provided valuable guidance on all accounts, and even got involved with some client meetings. - Lydia Whitney

Matthew Chapman -Securing 71 hours of project work by presenting clear detailed recommendations within the IT Review meeting and building a strong relationship with the client. - Robert George

Chris Waldie - Going above and beyond in helping with an emergency task. Not all hero’s wear capes! – Robert George

Jamie Slater - He has really stepped up to the plate showing great character and attitude to his work when he has had a lot on. His skill set is also developing taking on more complex work on general tasks and projects. – Robert George

We like to show our appreciation to all nominees of this month's Notables award! A huge congratulations to all of those nominated for January, keep up the brilliant standard of work! The Notable Employee Scheme is just one of a range of benefits here at Netmatters, available to all employees. 

If you would like to be a part of our fantastic team and be in the running for some extra treats each month, view our open job vacancies today; we’re always on the scout for intelligent, motivated individuals to join our ever-increasing team! You can always contact us via the form below, or ring us on 01603 515007 today.

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