What is The PSTN Switch Off?

Posted by Netmatters

By December 2025 every phone line in the UK will have moved to a fully digital network!

The Public Switch Telephone Network is fast approaching and will see everyone, including all businesses, move from private telecommunication network-based services (PTN) to more modern and up-to-date digital networks.

With over 2 million businesses, local authorities and public organisations, currently operating through PSTN, the world of public services is forecast to see a significant disruption through loss of connection and communication lines if these services are not up-to-date.

The Timeline: When is the PSTN Switch Off?

Here we have listed for you the 3 main dates that you need to know:

  1. September 2023: Stop Sell notice was issued. The termination of new line installations, line conversions, or ISDN Channels.
  2. December 2025: the PSTN will be switched off and all UK landlines will cease to operate.
  3. January 2026: all home or phone calls will be hosted via the internet.

What does this all mean to you?

This national switch-off will affect every business currently using PTN-based services. From your work telephone plugged into the wall to just about everything linked to those phone lines, all PTN-based products will be made redundant by 2025!

Now is the time to get ahead of the change and find out exactly how the team at Netmatters can make your changeover process as smooth as possible for you and your company.

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Why is the PSTN being switched off?

Most commonly known as ‘traditional telephony’, the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) is an ageing phone network hosted in the UK that allows calls to be made over copper and fibre telephone lines using analogue signalling.

PSTN has been indispensable when it comes to the UK’s phone network, however, due to our ongoing technological growth, people are demanding faster speeds and stronger lines of communication - much more than these traditional technologies can offer.

December 2025 will see everything analogue be switched over to a fully digital network. This push has come from the overwhelming popular demand to make calls through mobile or internet networks. In today’s world of ubiquitous apps and versatile cloud systems, PSTN has simply become outdated, with the switch-off date ushering in a new dawn of technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) – the technology used when making a call over the Internet.

a clock, hourglass and calendar surrounded by small figures

How Can You Prepare for the PSTN Switch Off?

We all understand the saying: "A stitch in time saves nine" - and so whilst 2025 might seem a long way away, it is crucial that you make sure you’re ready for the mass switchover now.

At first, this might appear to be a mammoth task when we consider everything that is connected to our phone lines: door entry systems, alarm systems, CCTV, to name a few... and transitioning to a cloud system is also vital for the company’s security credentials to keep your network safe and secure.

That is why working with a reputable company can help ease the entire transition. Here at Netmatters, we can help you provide you with the specialist skills needed for this changeover, as well as the ability to keep your network safe, seamlessly getting your business back to future-proof working order.

How Netmatters Can Help Your Switch

As part of the switch-off, many businesses will be required to migrate their phone system to a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system - Netmatters is here to help you with the perfect solution to your PSTN switch.

Here at Netmatters, we can provide you with the future-proofed broadband product you need to get ahead of ‘the big switch’. From Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SOGEA) to Fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) through to Fibre-to-the-premise (FTTP) broadband, our solutions are always bespoke to your business needs.

At Netmatters, we provide specialist ongoing management of business telecoms systems, no matter what industry umbrella you come under or what your business model looks like. Being one of the leading VoIP providers for businesses in Norwich, Norfolk and beyond, Netmatters can ensure that your business has a secure and reliable phone system that is completely tailored to your unique business. Get in touch with us today to find out more and call our team on 01603 70 40 20.

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