Google Ads Charity Grant - What You Need to Know

Posted by Netmatters

Google Ads Charity Grant - What You Need to Know

If you are a charity/non-profit organisation looking to raise awareness and spread your message online, did you know that you could be eligible for up to £8,000 in free advertising with Google per month?

As part of Google’s pledge to help non-profit organisations extend their message to a global audience, they are offering a Google Ads grant to eligible charities which provides up to £8,000 in free search engine advertising spend per month!

If correctly managed, this grant is a tremendous opportunity to reach millions of new users with your message - helping you gain new donors, volunteers, and campaigners.

In this article, we explain what Google Ads are, how they can help your organisation, and how to best take advantage of this opportunity.

What Are Google Ads?

Google ads is the primary search engine advertising on offer to any business or organisation looking to enhance online visibility and expand the volume of traffic, leads, sales, and donations through their website. Users can select a number of keywords relevant to their website, campaign, or messaging and for a fee, Google will add their search engine listing at the top of the results pages when a user searches for these terms. 

For example, as shown in the above image, when searching for ‘charities for children’, there are four charities that have adverts appearing at the top of the search engine listings. Without Google Ads, they could potentially be far down a long list of search results, meaning that the user searching for children’s charities could miss them altogether and proceed through an alternative route.

The Google Ads grant is therefore an amazing opportunity raise the awareness of your non-profit organisation and get in front of your target audience without having to pay a penny!

Google Ads Charity Grant - What You Need to Know

Who Qualifies for the Google Ads Charity Grant?

To be eligible for the Google Ad Grants, you must first apply for Google for Non-profits, and to do this your organization must hold a valid Charity Status. For organisations in England and Wales, this means the charity must be registered with the Charity Commission.

Once you have gained your Charity Status and registered with the Charity Commission, you can enroll for Google for Non-profits to then be approved by the Ad Grants pre-qualification process. To gain approval, you must own a high-quality website that meets Ad Grants website policy

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How Can I Maximise the Value of These Grants?

Google Ads is a fantastic tool that we recommend for almost all businesses, but it needs to be managed extensively to be most effective and yield positive results. This involves a strong understanding of online advertising best practices, and constant maintenance and optimisation to ensure that returns are maximized within the allotted budget.

At Netmatters, we have considerable experience in managing grant accounts for reputable non-profits across the UK. We understand that the process can be a bit confusing, which is why we are on hand to offer support and advice. Recently, we managed the Google advertising grant for Banham Zoo and Africa Alive, generating an incredibly strong return on their grant throughout the busy summer period.

How Netmatters Can Help?

If you are interested in taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity to raise awareness for your charity, give one of our digital marketing specialists a call. With offices in Cambridge, Norwich, and Great Yarmouth, we can advise on the best way to apply for the grant, and then also how you can manage the spend.

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