Netmatters Victories at the Spire Solicitor Cup

Posted by Netmatters

There were celebrations at the Netmatters offices following the finale of the Spire Solicitors LLP Cup, with our team walking away with the gold.

Congratulations to everyone who represented us in the five rounds, where we competed in the running relay, netball, crazy golf, ten-pin bowling, and a mind-stretching quiz.

Netmatters secured a 1st place victory against teams from ten other companies, including Price Bailey, NatWest, Arnold Keys, and, of course, Spire Solicitors themselves!

Spire Solicitors has been a client of our Web Development, Hosting, Digital Marketing, and IT services for 10 years. They are one of the many local Norfolk businesses that we are pleased to work alongside. When we work with you, we are invested in more than just your web and IT – we care about your success, and it was a joy to be involved in celebrating the company culture and wider Norfolk network with Spire (and to walk away with the win!).

A trophy

Our Commercial Head of Scion Development, Faizel Desai, was the true champion of the event, participating in four out of the five contests!

Great effort from the team over the last few months to secure the victory, and also a massive well done to Kristian and the Spire team for a great event. We will be back next year, hoping to retain our title! - Faizel Desai, Team Netmatters Hero
Well done to Team Netmatters - they have been so much fun at all 5 events, and a special mention to Faizel! I think he has been to 4 or 5 events and his enthusiasm is something else!" - Lucy Humberston, Marketing Coordinator and Spire Cup mastermind

A Huge thank you to Spire for a fantastic event. We look forward to defending our reign next year!

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